Friday, January 23, 2009

It officially hit 60 degrees today in L'ville!

Greetings! It has been a long time, my friends. I had to comment on the weather today. Louisville always has a January thaw. But, today we have at least hit the 60-degree mark, if not surpassed it. We're a good 10 degrees from the record high temperature for the day. However, tomorrow the cold will return to Kentuckiana. On next Monday night into Tuesday, it appears Louisville will see its biggest snowfall of the winter so far. 2 to 4 inches is not beyond the realm of possibility. Not a huge storm, but it should be all snow. I despise ice, so that makes me happier! By late Wednesday, it should turn to rain, but it will be a cold rain. They didn't write a song about "Cold Kentucky Rain" for nothing. :o)

A brief health update: a change in medication is making me feel better. Instead of being on Seroquel (high dose) exclusively, I am now on a Seroquel (lower dose)/Abilify combination. I have had no manic episodes since the modification. I am now also on Flexeril instead of Soma for a muscle relaxant (for fibromyalgia.) The Flexeril relieves the stiff muscles much better than the Soma did. Lastly, I am now on Sonata for sleep, instead of Somnote (which is chloral hydrate in capsule form.) I got about 6 hours of sleep last night, which is a marked improvement over the 2 or 3 (late at night) hours I was getting with Somnote. So, altering three prescription drugs is making a big difference in my state of mental health. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers of any of you who were concerned!!!

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