Friday, January 30, 2009

Consistently Warmer Weather in Outlook Now...

Well, I'm not going to blog every time the GFS model is updated, but it is now appearing that there will be no return to the arctic cold from about February the 6th through about February the 12th. The storm track appears to move well to the north of Louisville during the warmer week too, with high temperatures every day reaching the 40s/50s (possibly 60s.) It may be too rainy for anything record-breaking, but a much above normal temperature regime will likely become the long-range forecast. With all the clouds and rain, the diurnal changes in temperature will be less than normal as well. So, most days will remain above freezing entirely. This will make all of the folks cheering for an early spring very happy! Of course, all the rainfall in the storm pattern could create flooding conditions? That is an early concern of mine! Colder air looks to return to Kentuckiana by Valentine's Day weekend. Much more to come as conditions warrant!!!

1 comment:

Rgutro said...

Rick- So Glad to see your update- meaning you have Electricity, heat and Internet connectivity there in kentucky. The CNN video and web news photos are really bad. I understand that Paducah really got hit - Glad you're wired and warm.