Friday, February 22, 2008

Ice Storm Warning Yesterday and Health News

Yes, it was another eventful winter storm yesterday. Louisville experienced sleet and freezing rain for the balance of the afternoon and evening with temperatures climbing through the 20s. Untreated roads and other pathways became a sheet of ice and very treacherous. Unlike last week's storm, which produced around 4 inches of snow before the ice began, this storm was mainly the ice... the ice being much worse than the snow. Schools and businesses shut down by the noon-time hour, then the city was basically closed for business in the afternoon. This morning around 10 AM, the temperature was still only 34 degrees F. The ice is not melting quickly as fog and light rain showers move in. Tonight, we may have a brief period of light snow before it all comes to an end.
In health news, the cardiologist specializing in pacemakers and defibrillators basically told me I need the defibrillator device. He said my heart has sufficiently weakened to the point that a bad heart rhythm could kill me at any time. The defibrillator would shock the heart back into its proper rhythm if this event occurred. I asked him about exercise, and he said that it probably would not strengthen the heart, but certainly wouldn't be a bad thing to do. I especially think so since I need to lose about 30 pounds to be average weight. Unfortunately, a bad side effect of the atypical anti-psychotic drug I take is weight gain, but I'm nowhere near the top dose. I'm taking 300 mg of Seroquel and the top dose is 800 mg. I'm just happy that I'm not hearing voices with this relatively low-dose of medication. A few weeks ago, I was taking three different anti-psychotic drugs... the Thorazine being taken mostly for sleep. Now I'm taking Chloral Hydrate syrup for sleep, the only potential risk being respiratory, not cardiac. The specialist I saw yesterday said that he would have worried about the Thorazine if I were still taking it because it could cause adverse cardiac effects. It's a good thing I stopped taking the Thorazine when I did because my dad tells me he has noticed some involuntary limb movements which could have deteriorated to tardive dyskinesia had I continued taking the Thorazine. My psychiatrist warned me of stiffness with taking the Thorazine, but not the involuntary movements. All of these drugs are potent and have the potential to help or to hurt you. I'm just glad I didn't develop the t.d. because it is potentially irreversible and people would likely treat you like you were crippled or worse. Back to the heart... the doctor is going to try and increase my heart medications to see if my cardiac output improves with them in a couple months. If not, it looks like I'm going to get the defibrillator.

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